Wednesday, October 31, 2012

The Big Storm

Being retired I get a fair amount of time to do whatever I feel like. Most of the time during good weather I parse out my days between riding my bicycle, Harley and hitting the road with the RV. As the weather turns to crap like it seems to every year about this time I have to look at different ways to keep entertained. Just when the weather was going south the news media announced a big super storm coming our way. I thought this should keep me entertained for a while.

Holy crap, watching the coverage on the tube was mesmerizing, people in matching LL Bean coats and pants dancing in the storm waves while telling us not to go near the water. I watched for two days as the storm moved in and plodded away.

I think that as humans we have seen too many reality shows where people face all sorts of challenges and then at the end of the show everyone is ok.

All of the news folks seemed well fed and watered so why not share some of your media millions you are making by bringing some truckloads of water or food with you when you are showing someones house that they have worked all their life and is now a pile of firewood. How about bringing some extra hands to help grandma find the only pictures she has of her husband. Or bringing some diapers for the young couple with two kids that were barely scraping by before the storm. Just a thought..

Next in my rant is the politicians, they are receiving and spending buckets of cash to get elected, why not divert some of that cash to helping the victims of the storm. Even one days budget for the advertisements  that make me want to shoot my TV would go a long way towards helping out.

Maybe we should get a bunch of us old guys together and bus us down to help out.

Ok I've got that off my chest.

One good thing, I have seen is people riding their bicycles as cars and trucks just can't get around.


  1. It is something of a mystery, Doug. A Talking Voice on NPR said the other day in reference to a Mitt Romney campaign appearance where he asked those attending to bring food and blankets and so on: why doesn't he just write a check for ten million dollars to the Red Cross?

    Would such a move buy him the election? Would it be legal? I mean, why the hell is it always a "Grass Roots" movement? Why not a "Skyscraper Movement"?

    There must be a clear-cut way to tell the difference between socialism and charity.

    Meanwhile, I am a little uncomfortable watching all the adulation being bestowed on the CIC by NJ governor Christie. There are still a HUGE number of persons displaced by Katrina.

    I haven't had a real TV for quite awhile now, but whenever I catch a glimpse of TV News I feel a little insulted. The Dumbing of America continues apace.

    Having said all that, it is good to see you doing a little posting. Keep it up, buddy, I'll be watching!

  2. Man,I'm having a season of despair. the stars just won't align. how's your winter goin? did you sell the boat?

  3. Tim Joe, know what you mean. My Dad passed away two weeks ago and with the short cold days it makes you want to crawl in a hole and hibernate.Hope you can pull out of your despair.I am gonna do a post to the blog in a couple of days when I can get my head back on my shoulders..
