Sunday, December 23, 2012


I have thought about writing a post for over a month. I wanted to talk about Bicycles, dogs, my kids, sailboats and all the other stuff that runs in a whirlwind in my old mind. The one thing that emptied out all the other thoughts was the passing of my father.

At 85 a few weeks before he left this earth he told me he had accomplished everything he wanted to and in his words had done it all.

I have thought about his life a lot since his passing, what did it take to feel like you had accomplished everything.

Sadly my memory has failed me on lots of the details of my youth, but what I remember is him being very busy doing the things he liked. We were complete opposites as far as what we enjoyed doing. He enjoyed things that grow and I enjoyed mechanical stuff. In some ways it seems like we never got a chance to get to know each other. I never convinced him that bicycles, motorcycles, sailboats and building things out of wood were good ways to spends ones time. When I set out to sail from Upstate NY to Florida he wouldn't come to see me off cause he thought he would be dead by the time I came back, he lived for two years after I returned.
Even with all our differences of opinion I still miss him every day and would give anything to see that cranky old fart one more time.

1 comment:

  1. Fathers and Sons, eh Doug? Fathers and Sons.

    Have a great Holiday, my friend.


    oh, I'm welcoming an old friend but new blogger into the guild of boogermeisters:
